Windows-friendly desktop Linux launches
"The latest version of Xandros desktop Linux has arrived, continuing the operating system's mission to welcome Windows users--a mission that's led some in the Linux community to dismiss it as 'Linux with training wheels.' " - from ZDnet.
looks like the OS war is slowly evolving. news on Gates stepping down, news on Mac using Intel (hmm, will they use this Linux in the next 5 to 10 years?), news on Google's Spreadsheet (Free!), news on free broadband access in Singapore, what could be next?
Linux is definitely not a FAD. who knows, we might not have a hard disk in all our computers next time, some company might host them since internet bandwidth is able to handle huge traffic load and speed.
so guys/gals pick up at least the basic skills of Linux and computing, don't be left behind when the time comes, remember the internet era?
looks like the OS war is slowly evolving. news on Gates stepping down, news on Mac using Intel (hmm, will they use this Linux in the next 5 to 10 years?), news on Google's Spreadsheet (Free!), news on free broadband access in Singapore, what could be next?
Linux is definitely not a FAD. who knows, we might not have a hard disk in all our computers next time, some company might host them since internet bandwidth is able to handle huge traffic load and speed.
so guys/gals pick up at least the basic skills of Linux and computing, don't be left behind when the time comes, remember the internet era?