
Showing posts from December, 2007

Autobiography: My Cars

i remembered the first car that i drove was a old Honda Civic, the squarish backlight type... i did not have a Class 3 driving license during this drive... not illegal, this was my instructor's car. Failed once but quickly got 12 points for the second one... it was 1997, forgotten the date but i knew that it is one day before Chinese New Year's Eve... the tester should be in a CNY mood and passed me pretty fast... my first possession of car... right after my customary wedding in Dec 2000... a red 9-years 9-months old Hyundai Elantra, some SBC plate that i don't remember. got the first mini-accident at AYE, kana the back portion of a taxi driver. no injury, no visible damage to his taxi but paid 50bucks to settle... the Hyundai died on me along Clementi towards Ngee Ann poly...anyway, this was a soon-to-be-scrapped car (3 to 4 months before expiry). second car was a red Charade, old old 19-years old... NO POWER STEERING, really sweat when steering in stationary position or p...

finally STREAM arrived!

21122007, this day marks the arrival of my STREAM... a bit sad to let go of 206 but no choice... 150050, the mileage of 206 after almost 5 years of drivin... a good car, good handling and good to swerve around the town easily. proof!! Stream (a longer wheelbase), driving around is not a problem, the only headache is parking... parallel parking was a challenge but i manage it quite well. the problematic part was reverse parking... it seems tougher than parallel. got Vkool, luggage cover... waiting for my armrest and amp to be fixed and everything is ready, GET SET, GO! VROOM... waiting for first 1000km and run-in for this car before i can try out the raw power of STREAM...

food glorious food (Dec Edition)

it has been a while since i last posted.... i must have been crazy... really crazy on Scrabble... thru' Scrabulous from Facebook. for once, i can be playing up to 12 opponents at one go... too preoccupied, leaving little time to work on, for other things. last Sunday, my family (including dad and hwee) were at Suntec. While trying to decide on what to eat, i saw Pho House outside Toys 'R' Us. we decided to give this restaurant a try due to..."Healthy conscious food" and empty seats... Pricing for this place was generally more expensive than normal Vietnamese Rest... However. the portion was huge... a couple can just share a main dish and order more side dishes... the soup based noodle (i tried Central Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup) was tasty and really of the few Viet Restaurant that i would recommend to visit again! my bro, Hwee gotten the sweet and sour soup... sweet and sour, the taste still lingers in my taste buds... Psst... they have set meal...