
Showing posts from February, 2007

so many choices for gaming, how?

Nintendo Wii, Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft XBOX360 - new and upcoming console boxes, all released in US, Japan and Europe but not here in Singapore... what a load of crap. which one to choose. it seems like Wii has been getting better reviews and can get anyone Tom, Dick and Harry to be involved...cheapest of the lot... PS3??? most feature-packed but price $$$ highest. blu-ray disc, free download of PSone games, etc....even web surfing. Xbox360?? i give it a miss after my first experience with Xbox.... Verdict: Wii unless it is not coming to SG. if PS3 is much cheaper and blu-ray disc has gone mainstream, then maybe give this a try or unless you are Final Fantasy addict (FFXIII is coming and only on PS3 - for now). Handheld players are Sony PSP and Nintendo DS Lite, where is Microsoft product? probably in the making...both look equally enticing, if you need more features (MP3, watching quality videos), go for PSP. if you need more interactive games, DS is the best. it seems like both ...

still having the CNY festive mood

it is always exciting during this period for all the Chinese in the world. we are into our 9th day of Chinese New Year... though we have started worked but i believe majority of us are still in the eating goodies-gambling-ang pao-giving mandarin oranges-kind of mood... i am still liking it. did not win much on gambling... ate 3 times steamboat, 5 times lo hei (Chinese style of raw fish mixed with all kinds of veggie, plus sweet sauce, crushed peanuts and mini crackers *alas* the marriage solemnization of my poly mate, Chong and her wife, Liti.... after so many years of courtship...finally he joined our official MARRIAGE CLUB, no more bachelor.... Wishing them a happy and endearing marriage forever.

free maps to download for mobile devices

this is probably the only place for you to download free maps for mobile devices (as of this date) . smart2go Upgrade – Share the world with your friends! grab and download first even if you do have any devices. War is coming to MapKing!

serving the country

how time flies... i am backed after serving the country for 2 weeks... reservist, in army, etc. Singaporeans are required to serve our nation after our compulsory 2-years active national service. the first 2 days are really kinda of getting used to the skin started to peel (of course from sunburnt)... the weather was freaking hot...(and to think that we have a week of continuous rain only not too long ago)... *regretted not bringing my sun block* this in-camp was especially exciting or 'siong' (aka tough in Hokkien), a 7-days out field is really like the name of the movie "the longest day ever". crazy...don't ask about the details of exercise (Highly Top Secret).... our platoon really enjoyed the missions... except for the rush-to-wait wait-to-rush were bringing fantastic ration to boost morale....clam chowder, tuna-frank sandwich, pork chop...for a while, i thot we are going for picnic... hahahha after the 8th year in...