
Showing posts from September, 2006

Last working day with my colleague

in a few hours' time today, it will be the last time i am working with this colleague, Giline. She will be embarking on a new job and journey. let's hope the best in whatever she does. she is always welcome back if my boss permits!

Guide to Google Blogger

if you are having problems or would like any help on modifying your Google Blogger, seek help from this guru .

Don't expect gratitude if you intend to greet or smile.

the magic words "Good morning", "Thank you", "How can i help?", etc. is it Asian culture or what? i can hardly hear them now. are these words taboo? when i am in a lift with some foreigners (americans, caucasians), they will say "Thank you" when you hold the lift. "Goodnight" when they leave the lift. if i am with locals or Asians, we will both keep mum and look blindly as though each is 'transparent'.... i must admit that i did not practise these magic words intensely.... but i am coming to realise that it really makes or breaks a day... it is refreshing and great to hear a greet or thank you from someone early morning and you know that your day is going to be special too. i am now practising with my girl. "Good Morning", "Good Night"..."Thank you". Do it now but expect 'cold shoulders' and stares from strangers, thinking that you are weird or a freak. Do it now but don't expect a simil...

a busy weekend with joyful celebrations

Singapore held it's first IMF (International Monetary Fund) 2006 at Suntec. most of the roads around Suntec were closed or condoned off. people practically avoid Suntec, Marina Sq and the surrounding areas. i encouraged my wife and relatives to visit these places now. NO CROWD! AMPLE PARKING! NO QUEUE FOR FOOD! kudos, hold more of these events. Waraku japanese restaurant is a restaurant worth visiting, variety of jap food is plenty, reasonably priced, portion just nice. saturday was mad for me. my sister-in-law's daughter was celebrating one-month old. my sister's daughter was celebrating one year's birthday. i was having a tight schedule to meet. but it's great to meet up with relatives and some friends, busy chatting and times really past. more kids' birthdays coming in Oct..... getting geared up with presents and plans.

News Update: Pluto the name for Walt Disney Dog only

Pluto dwarf planet has been officially renamed as 134340. the name 'Pluto' is now exclusively used by Walt Disney for that dog. twenty years down the road, my grandchild's generation will never know that Pluto was once the planet. let them see this: Pluto Planet renamed as 134340

generalized or specialized

are you specialized and focus in your area of work or play? or are you one that would like to learn everything and not a master in any areas? I am probably a jack of all trades, throw me a job, a task of any form and i will try to get it done...not in depth but at least complete the job and above the average. my 2 brothers are very focus in their area of tasks.... they are very good in their own fields (cars, maths, processes, wheels, etc.) i guess there are pros and cons. anything outside their areas of specialty, they will call for my help .... if i need to know details of their specialization, i will 'dig' more information. are we born to become master of a certain area or jack of all trades? or train to become like them? looking at my child, my nephews and nieces. i think we are somewhat born to become master or jack. it is the path (the education and life experiences) that mould our journey to enforce these areas. however, some paths are taken wrongly. i am still trying to...

Amazing growth in my girl

my wife, my girl and i were in the car yesterday. "Mummy, please lock the door", my girl requested. after my wife locked the door, "Thank you mummy for locking the door", exclaimed my girl. how does she know when to use "lock" and when to use "locking"? we don't remember teaching her. really amazing to see that she can pick things up this fast (but don't know where).... sanother incident happened: "tomorrow we are going where", she did a literal translation from Mandarin "明天我们要去那里". when i said "where....", she quickly "where are we going tomorrow?".... isn't it fantastic? most kids in her montessori are probably able to execute this level of correct and proper sentence structure. Kudos to Montessori! least our money is not wasted....I just hope she don't learn the wrong things from her friends.

Hail to Steve Irwin, the best "Crocodile Hunter"

Steve will always be our fav and best "Crocodile Hunter", not just in Australia but the whole wide world, even the galaxy. my wife and I was so shocked yesterday to learn of his death (stunk by a passive Stingray while filming). let's maintain a minute of silence to mark the respect for this fantastic guy. he will always be in our memory. may his family members stay healthy and well.

Kids or Parents - the problem

i read this interesting article TODAY from Yvonne Lim (Voices & Commentary editor) ------------------------------------------- We have a problem, no kid Readers chime in on how to get S'poreans' baby-making juices flowing ... so to speak NO SUGGESTION is too far-fetched, it seems, in the desperation to get Singaporeans to breed more prolifically. .The rate at which readers conceived views and ideas — with more than 40 letters received over a fortnight — proved that the topic, if not the populace, was fertile ground indeed. .Even so, Ong Kean Hin's proposal ("1 S'pore wife + 1 foreign wife = more babies", Aug 25") to promote polygamy proved too much to swallow for most readers, who derided it as ridiculous, preposterous, chauvinistic. .Readers such as Junifer Chua and Lewis Kong countered with a "1 S'pore husband + 1 second husband = even more babies" equation. Dianne Loh retorted: "Reading the letter has finally enabled me to pinpoi...

migraine, cure through TCM or western medicine?

i have this migraine problem since the millenium. probably due to work stress... it was okay for the last 2 years but it seemed to have 'bug' me again now. i know the western medicine (some painkillers) helped but can the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provides a more permanent cure? my symptons: flashy /photographic flash images, then right side headache, feel nausea, right side of the head is so painful that i thot it's splitting. any good doctors to recommend? i remember going for a scan few years back, nothing unusual then. haiz...

Friends... they are simply great.

since we shifted, this is probably the first time my wife invited her U frens to our house for a short gathering...having snacks. you yak and yak non-stop to catch up on recent activities, to re-live your schooldays, to discuss on the latest fashion tips, to discuss on future plans, etc. this really lasts and seems to go on forever. as we grow older, we tend to keep in touch with our frens less often, we tend to have lesser and lesser frens. they are preoccupied with their important phases in life... marriage, family, children, courtship, work priorities, etc. i am into the 'building-a-family" life. how nice would it be if we are just into studies and hanging out with frens all day? but do true frens really need to meet often to understand each other? what about couples?