
Showing posts from August, 2022

Passion supercedes Hardwork

老子 (laozhi) a well-known figure in ancient Chinese history. He wrote this book on 道德经 (daidejing) explaining the way of life some 2000 years back. He had seen or foretold how human beings should behave or live during our years. Is our society actually moving backwards rather than advancing?  The book explained that we should not work hard or study hard or be hardworking, but rather, we need to have that passion. If you work hard for that salary or $$$, you will not go far. You need to have that passion for whatever you do. With that passion, your skills will be more polished, we should become more efficient and effective in our tasks.  If that job is not what you want or if that subject or topic is not what you wanted to learn, forget it. Do what you like, be passionate. 

I lost my phone and wallet

That's my dream yesterday. A dream that I seldom had for a while.  I was with a fren (Forgotten who). We seem to be travelling in certain city and it was for a long while before I realised that my phone and wallet was not with me. If we were to backtrack, it's definitely going to take a long while. Nothing that I remembered after.  A quick check on dream interpretation on the loss.  " Dream about Losing Phone And Wallet states your emotional health and your ability to bounce back from adversity. Sometimes you need to take a break and reconnect with loved ones. You will have problems and issues from those beneath you or dependent upon you. Your dream indicates your desires to conform and fit in. There is something that you want to broadcast to the whole world. Sometimes, dream about losing phone and wallet is unfortunately a warning for loneliness and loss. You are not doing the things that you really want to do. You are trying to work through a difficult time. Your dream ...