My first balloting and my last...
nope... not the ballot for new MP for my district... 11 Aug 2009 2pm... place: Tao Nan School... P1 balloting... 'fighting' for a place (for ziyi) into the school. 98 applicants, 82 vacancies... 83.67346938% of securing a place... how unlucky i can be! i cannot be so suay... i reached there (alone) 1min before 2pm... the lecture theatre of Tao Nan was already filled with packs and packs of people... from uncles and aunties (obviously grandparents of 'participants') to people of my age (parents and siblings of parents) to kids (most of them were the 'participants' still in school uniform straight from Kindergarten)...this ballot was not compulsory for parents or anyone to attend but the turnout was fantastic (how come we don't get this support when we ask people to go green)... i managed to 'secure' a seating place, beside grandparents... the event started promptly, conducted by 3 teachers... one of them started to read the names of the participants (...