
Showing posts from August, 2008

Sze Ee's 5th Birthday Party

23rd Aug (a day after my trip)... another exciting event... ziyi's 5th birthday party @ explorerkids downtown... (after going to at least 4 kids' playground locations)... 2 hours of using room for cake cutting and gathering... the kids really had fun... thanks to friends and close family members for coming to this party... oh, the 'barbie-like' birthday cake from polar was great in taste and looked beautiful. after the 2 hours of 'closed' session, all day free play 'kicks in' for the kids... parents like me get to follow the kids and play the mega playground (the slides were great and exhilarating!)... haha... totally worth it since the normal days of gameplay will be SGD11 per hour per kid... my girls had 5 hours of fun... and don't want to leave... 2 days later, ziyi had another celebration at her school... a hello kitty cake... goodie bags for her friends... cake finished within 15 mins after it was cut... her frens were really good (in eating)....

bintan trip

i had a hectic trip to bintan island, indonesia on 21st Aug and back on 22nd Aug... a motorola-symbol partner training... we stayed in bintan lagoon resort... nice sea view and beach frontage... but 'thanks' to the iterinary of the event and the dark storm and rain... we had no time to enjoy any sea sports! the resort room was great though, newly furnished, LCD TV, nice resting area... the only concern was the many bugs that flew to your room if you did not keep your door or windows shut...especially at night... good relax place but don't expect to find any shopping.

Days to remember... 1st Aug and 9th Aug 2008

1st of August 2008 (friday)... an exciting day for Zhirui... her first day in school or rather playgroup... seems ok with mummy around... Mum left at half day and she was okay... 4th Aug to 7th Aug... i sent her to school... she screamed when i left... no choice... she had to get used to school life... she was so happy to see me when i fetch her around 5 plus everyday... Mum in UK. 8th Aug... my girls were celebrating National Day in MMI! they were having fun and so happy... cos it was half day in school! 9th Aug... National Day!... not that i want to remember this day (though important)... Zhirui was having fever and vomitting all day... or whenever she ate or drank... this 'lucky' day... almost all clinics were closed... we had to send her to KK Children's Emergency at 10pm+ and only went back at 2am+... how eventful... i foresee many sleepness nights.