Sze Ee's 5th Birthday Party
23rd Aug (a day after my trip)... another exciting event... ziyi's 5th birthday party @ explorerkids downtown... (after going to at least 4 kids' playground locations)... 2 hours of using room for cake cutting and gathering... the kids really had fun... thanks to friends and close family members for coming to this party... oh, the 'barbie-like' birthday cake from polar was great in taste and looked beautiful. after the 2 hours of 'closed' session, all day free play 'kicks in' for the kids... parents like me get to follow the kids and play the mega playground (the slides were great and exhilarating!)... haha... totally worth it since the normal days of gameplay will be SGD11 per hour per kid... my girls had 5 hours of fun... and don't want to leave... 2 days later, ziyi had another celebration at her school... a hello kitty cake... goodie bags for her friends... cake finished within 15 mins after it was cut... her frens were really good (in eating)....