
Showing posts from June, 2006

Which Sports Car Are You?

I'm a Mercedes SLK! You appreciate the finer things in life. You have a split personality - wild or conservative, depending on your mood. Wherever you go, you like to travel first class. Luxury, style, and fun - who could ask for more? Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz. i got this test result, Merc SLK! yikes, i don't fancy a Merc maybe a Lamborghini will be better. the results said "you have a split personality", am i Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? ha ha, beware! i think mood really plays a part in our daily life. sometimes you just wake up in a foul mood and you start to get irritated easily. you are soured or agitated just over the slightest error that someone committed. other days, you want to kiss and hug your love ones, help that old man on the street, donate to charity, etc. well, let's juz work slightly harder, join the lottery, bet on the world cup, earn the extra income (from the website or part-time) to get that dream car or other dreams. after all, w...

Watching TV with your kid

"To a certain extent television viewing gives children a chance to see educational shows, learn about different cultures, and be entertained. At the same time it exposes children to violence that affects their opinion and their behaviour or decreases their social interaction time or physical activity. So how do we handle this dilemma?" click the title for more information. i am still trying to find ways for my girl to watch TV, at least for 30 mins. she seems to be more interested in her own toys, "virtual" cooking, singing, etc than that electronic rectangular box. it might be good that she is not a TV "addict". well, sometimes i just want to keep her occupied so that she does not bother me. hmmm, selfish huh? i think her fav show now is Teletubby, Bob the Builder and Spongebob Squarepants. if she like these programs, these shows must have been really well made. haha :) she is inquisitive enough to ask lots and lots of questions on these TV programs. so T...

How old is old....since you are young.

ladies out there will never admit that they are old. whereas guys out there will always say that, probably 'old age' makes them more matured. so how old is old? when my girl is born into this world, i started to 'sweat'. i am a father now. age is really catching up. this is truth, fact, nothing's gonna change. as i watched my girl grow up (coming three), i began to feel younger at heart and mind. as parents, we need to think like them and sometimes playing along with them. it's really fun! i am like 10 years younger at heart. some will says kids make you older as you need to give them guidance, shout at them and be on the lookout all the time. partly tttrue, who can we blame for all these? ourselves as parents! you want the best for your kids because you don't want them to be like you. you want them to be professionals. you want them to learn this art, that dancing lesson, that piano lesson, that tuitions. you will definitely aged. you want to protect them n...

Windows-friendly desktop Linux launches

"The latest version of Xandros desktop Linux has arrived, continuing the operating system's mission to welcome Windows users--a mission that's led some in the Linux community to dismiss it as 'Linux with training wheels.' " - from ZDnet. looks like the OS war is slowly evolving. news on Gates stepping down, news on Mac using Intel (hmm, will they use this Linux in the next 5 to 10 years?), news on Google's Spreadsheet (Free!), news on free broadband access in Singapore, what could be next? Linux is definitely not a FAD. who knows, we might not have a hard disk in all our computers next time, some company might host them since internet bandwidth is able to handle huge traffic load and speed. so guys/gals pick up at least the basic skills of Linux and computing, don't be left behind when the time comes, remember the internet era?

Love your mum

saw this blog from slic3 of lif3 from BlogCharm: When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you.You thanked her by crying all night long. When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk.You thanked her by running away when she called. When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love.You thanked her by taossing your plate on the floor. When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons.You thanked her by colouring the dining room table. When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays.You thanked her by plopping into the neartest pile of mud. When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school.You thanked her by screaming, "I'm not going!" When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball.You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbour's window. When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream.You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap. When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons.You thanked her b...

my Site Feed URL:

i saw this site feed URL in my blogger admin page. what is the real purpose of this feed? it makes no sense except for others to display your feed. do you need me to display your site feed URL? write to me.

Slow progress on video games website

things have been very slow in this website progression as i have yet to understand how to generate the best traffic. designing this site posed another challenge. i am using this blog to try out the different ways of generating web traffic. - not sure the effectiveness. the idea is to generate traffic and not to move traffic away. but i am trying since it is free. - they provide advice on publishing keywords that generate good money and web traffic. - one of the easier ways to ensure readership. do we really have to pay to be in the top few pages of great search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN? are there other low-cost-maximize-traffic methods? another new and tough turning point in life - video games website.

Polishing on writing skills

i started blog mainly because i wanted to 'buck up' on writing. writing a passage alone is tough and has never been my strength. i like to visualize more than to read, comic strips and books are bestfor me. if there are any materials are that offending, please pardon me. PS: that's why my articles are so 'lengthy'.

My girl and her one-of-the-thousand facial expressions

it's fascinating to watch how a baby / child grows each day. my girl is coming to 3 years. she is always full of different facial expressions (probably taught from montessori - happy, sad, angry and frighten).. :) it's really a joy and happy to see them in their innocent stage.

Go and Claim The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf voucher!

this particular Singapore site is providing free IBM AIX advice, i think it is the first in Singapore. calling themselves the IBM AIX GURU, i urge IBM AIX experts out there to test them. :) just for the kick of it, they are giving free Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf vouchers (only valid in Singapore)... hooked up to this site now: AIX Forum i hope to see more info and variety in this site from these GURUs. our only blessing: they are in Singapore to help Singapore IBM AIX users!

what's your greatest asset?

"Our greatest asset is our health. Remember putting your back out or having the flu or something more serious. It sort of takes over your life and makes it a challenge to be in the moment and enjoy anything else. Perhaps we can forget our health challenges for a few moments and find joy in a child or loved one or laugh at a joke in a movie, but this is often short lived. Without our good health other things their shine. Even if a loved one has a health challenge, our concern for them takes over our lives." - part of the content from I feel that my family is my greatest asset. Health is equally important but without family, what's the point? you can share with them: your joy, your troubles, your happiness, your anger, etc. there is no one to argue with. there is no one that can hug you so tight and no one that you can hug and feel their warmth. you can be assured that you have someone to rely upon . it's SIMPLY GREAT to have ...


check out this site. i wonder what's the hype? the only thing that i liked, the chance to win Opel Astra. Am I old or what? I find the site too informative but confusing. the nice thing is that some people petition in STOMP for worktime off on World Cup final and it's granted. POWERFUL! hmmm, what can we petition?

sonia-belle: ''I was raped, but it was my fault''

I posted my "Scenery from my living room" and was trying to do a blog search "living room". so many articles pop up... this is one of the article that caught my attention. maybe it's because of the topic "rape". the details are pretty interesting, read it and ask yourself: consensual rape? "marital rape"? or it simply means r[ape] that person is really an ape...

Video Console Games Online

i am embarking on a new online purchase of video games website...."built from gamers and for gamers". i can hardly see any of this form of site in Singapore. send me your views on what you like to see in this 'Video Games' website. do you want to join me?

Scenery from my living room

This is the day and night scenery from my living room. I was trying out with the 'image upload' function. Pls bear with me. - The Official Site of FIFA World Cup - The Official Site of FIFA World Cup The match between Sweden and England was exciting but what makes World Cup an international sports event? Is it the high salary pay or really soccer passion? An international event really perks up the entire Earthlings, how long will this carry one and can another sports event create this international interest?