
To the 60 years old me in Y2034

To that still walking, cycling, gaming and travelling 60-year old man in Y2034, I hoped:- You had stopped that full time job.  You had completed 'The Master Key System' and imparted it. You had at least tried backpacking around the regions. Buy good shoes! You had taken the longest train ride from Singapore to Portugal.  You had visited Taj Mahal and Great Wall of China. That's my childhood dream on wonders of the world. You had cycled at least once around our Singapore island.  You had worked out both physically and mentally daily like your dad. Show me your routine table!  You had became that travel companion of those in needs.  You had found sponsors to fund your interests. You had became that super copycat that helps people to grow better.  You found love.  And maintain my motto: Let no one comes to you without leaving better.  Stay healthy with abundant love and wealth.  Don't eat that much carb! br, Your present self from 2025.  St...

The Master Key System saves my life

I got to know this book "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Hannel. It is an amazingly dry book. All about faith, subconsciousness, manifestation, universal mind and the power of thoughts explained in a scientific or brainwashed way. But it simply change my life.  It changes how I percieve things. I am no longer as insistent onto my own or others' opinions. It changes my life for the better though I know materially I am not richer. I felt luckier as problems started to have solutions without much worry. My mind is always in positive mode.  The book stated that our thoughts can create and manifest whatever we hoped for. Our thought is all powerful and we are our own creator.  I am recommending to all my friends. Do not start if you have no plans to change.  Be patient when reading it. If you do not understand that chapter, read it over and over again. This is not a book to be completed in speed time. It involves practical practice and large amount of time. ...

This blog is directed at the person who recorded the suicide-rescue video!

This blog is directly aimed at the individual who recorded and shared the distressing video of a rescue team attempting to remove a deceased woman who was hung outside her HDB flat. I am profoundly disturbed and infuriated that this video was circulated and forwarded within my Whatsapp group. The video documented a tragic incident where a woman had taken her own life, and the rescue team was bravely attempting to retrieve her body. The situation was uniquely challenging, given that the woman had hung herself outside her HDB block (it's not ground level). I couldn't bring myself to finish watching the video but made it clear to my group that forwarding it was inappropriate (the video displayed "forwarded many times"). The real story has been covered in detail by a few days ago, and the video was circulated prior to the official news release, or possibly around the same time. As I drove to work over the past few days, the haunting image of the woman and th...

Adultery: Morally inacceptable or humans made?

For a start, this is just my personal opinion and it doesn't equate to anyone. It doesn't apply to me. I am using this word as a discussion because it has been a hot topic recently within the Singapore PAP party. Read the news if you didn't know what happen.  I have this discussion with few friends. Morally this is unacceptable. I totally agreed. But if you were to split this topic objectively, only we as humans do not accept it. The society forbids us to do it. If you were to commit it, you are deemed as a disgrace and unfaithful to anyone or everyone you know. It is committing a heinous crime.  Our human society used Marriage & Divorce as a way to ensure fidelity. Do we let the society dictate our love or is it just Capitalism at work?  If marriage and divorce is not in play, there is no adultery. Love changes sometimes and it can be in many forms. Sometimes, we would be closer to the opposite sex but it doesn't mean love in the relationship perspective. This soci...

Am I useless if I don't have a skill?

In year 2024, I will be half a century old. During 2014 when I am still 40 yo, I started doubting myself, my value, my worth to the society and to my company.  I kept asking what's the purpose of working so hard, what if my kids are all grown up, what's the purpose of living, etc. Thousand and one questions popped up every day, I am not even sure if that is mid life crisis or depression.  Surely suicidal is not my dictionary, that's coward way of facing what's ahead.  But nothing seems to motivate me.  I gotten through those 40 years fairly easily. Fast forward to 9 years more, I am still what I could have achieved at 40 years old.  Nothing major has changed except higher inflation, crazier world, the 2nd wave of generations coming to the workforce, the ever increasing workload, the higher humidity and temperature, etc. War between Ukraine and Russia doesn't seem to stop, US and China too.  Traditional skills or manual labor skills become obsolete but more ...

Faking ignorance could be bliss

Often times, we tried to give positive feedback or suggestions when needed. When we noticed that something or some processes could be improved, I would often voice out what can be done to make it either more automated or make it simpler while maintaining the same compliance or results.  You know that your opinions are not welcomed when they were rejected countless times. People often see you as their threat or your laziness that doesn't want to do stuff but only complaints (when you gave constructive suggestions). Just do it, that's the suggestion. Try before you give suggestions. If I am new to the industries or matter, I will try countless methods and seek guidance.  If I have been there and done that, it doesn't necessarily matter to many bosses. This is not about seniority. I valued second opinion and don't complain without giving alternatives. If that party is simple a deaf ear, fake ignorance could be the best alternative. Do what is needed and move on.  Don't...

That handful of friends

At different stages of our life, friends come and go. Sometimes, even BFF at no longer around even when we wanted to as we move into courtship, marriage and setting up a family.  However, we make new ones along the way.  In my case, I felt the number of friends are almost constant at different stages in life.  A male friend might leave but another will come into your life. Someone passed away and a new character will appear. It is almost like we are programmed or it could be just our nature , personality and the limited time we had each day.  We choose to believe in the latter that the character decides the way we work, make friends and have fun.  Time to recap whomever that is important left and who came into your life.